Know more about me:

I enjoy creating things and seeking its impact on communities.
My interest towards Software & Product Development started in 2017 when I was able to connect technology to create impact via TCS EngiNX.
Fast-forwarding today I am working as Product Manager,Consultant,Data Scientist and System Engineer spanning across 5 years.
My focus these days is in building accessible, inclusive products and digital experiences for a variety of clients.
Here are a few technologies I've been working with recently:
Awards and recognization:
> KPMG Spotlight Award for best perfomance in 2024 within Canada
> 2024 Energy Hackathon Winner and presented in front of 2000+ particiants (Video Link)
> "Morgan Stanley Good for Earth Hackthon National Winner for Canada
> Part of CODEVITA team that created "Guinness World Records" for Largest computer programming competition.
> Proactively took part in an internal initiative for product development and converted an idea into POC.
> "Employee of the month" for creating impact in business and process.
> National Management Olyampiad Winner team member, also awarded best presenation Award throught out season.
> LinkedIn Campus Editor awarded top 3 in an internal program from top Campus Editors.
> Took up the initiative and responsibility of a Training and Placement cordinator.
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